Environmental school on Gam

Support of Child Aid Papua

On Gam island, near the village of Sawainggrai, one can find a unique school – the education centre of Child Aid Papua, run by an Indonesian foundation (Yayasan Cahaya Anak Papua) and backed by a Swiss association. The only high school outside Raja Ampat’s main city and district capital Waisai is also West Papua’s first officially recognized bilingual high school, and the first one certified to issue degrees in vocational training in “marine and eco-tourism”. About 25 students aged between 13 and 18 years attend classes at the school. An integral part of the school’s concept is environmental education, since 2024 partially supported by donations collected through Reef Guardian e. V. in Germany.

If you wish to learn more about the school and its activities, please consider following Child Aid Papua on Instagram.



If you donate..

Reef Guardian e. V. contributes financially to the running costs of the education center on Gam to support the environmental education classes, which are not required by the national curricula. Kids and youth are addressed as multipliers to raise awareness among the local population for the precious but vulnerable natural beauty of Raja Ampat.

child aid papua

Photo: (c) Child Aid Papua

The video has been produced and published in 2021 by Child Aid Papua.