Our Projects

On this page you can learn more about our projects in Raja Ampat (West Papua, Indonesia), which we are realising in close cooperation with local partners.

Local products from Raja Ampat

Tourism is an important source of income to many people in Raja Ampat. Yet tourism activities can quickly jeoopardise the ecological balance of the sensitive nature. As the covid-19 pandemic highlighted the dependencies of local communities from tourism, Reef Guardian began working with local partners to support the marketing of sustainable local products from small producers as an alternative source of income. Among other activities, a small store in Waisai has been opened to market local produce.

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Revitalisation of a coral reef

Reef Guardian supports a local initiative to revitalise a deteriorated coral reef and to replant mangroves at the shoreline on Dayan, off the coast of the main island batanta. Furthermore, the sea grass bed will be restored to provide a feeding ground to dugongs that live in the area.

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Environmental education of youth

Since 2024 we are supporting school of Child Aid Papua where high school and vocational school students attend environmental education classes to learn more about Raja Ampat’s nature and ecology. Acting as multipliers towards their families, the overall environmental awareness among the local population is raised.

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