Reef restoration Dayan island

Revitalisation of a coral reef

Dayan is a small island north of the coast of Batanta, one of the “four kings” that give Raja Ampat its name. The island is inhabitated by just a handful of families. Diving liveaboards stop at Dayan almost daily for its manta point. Even dugongs are occassionally spotted.

The westernmost tip of the island is where Konstantinus Saleo and his family is living. The family owns a small homestay for visitors. Most of the coral reef that once protected the Western shore of the island has perished. The unconstrained surf erodes the shoreline, that used to be lined with mangroves. Konstantinus would like to restore the reef and shoreline by nursing corals and planting new mangroves. The revitalised reef would also protect his family’s home.


If you donate..

Reef Guardian e. V. supports Konstantinus since 2023. With our donations he already purchased equipment to raise small coral branches on iron scaffolds.

A donation of 100 Euro is sufficient to purchase the equipment for the next scaffold where corals can be nursed. We regularly receive photos from Konstantinus to see his progress and to follow up the reef restoration process. With the same amount, the next line of young mangroves can be planted.


The Video has been produced independently from our project by Freiburg-based film makers Daniel Bichsel and Chris Keller (