Reef Protection

Coral reefs host one of the planet’s highest biodiversity. They provide shelter to small marine fauna such as sponges
and crustaceans that are vital for the oceans’ food chain, and a biotope to numerous small and large fishes. Yet
particularly tropical reefs that are close to the water surface are endangered – reasons are global warming, pollution,
damages inflicted by human activity and extreme weather.
Tropical reefs protect shorelines from the ocean’s swell and bind vast amounts of greenhouse gases. Their protection
and conservation is therefore of high importance – and their colourfulness and marine life stunning as you can see for
yourself below.

For further reading we would like to suggest you the following selection of scientific institutions and articles dealing
with the research on tropical coral reefs:

Impacts of climate change:

Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel:

Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research: