Support Us

You can support our aims through a membership in our association, a donation and in your daily life.

Become a member

If you are interested in becoming a
member of the association, you can
download the membership application
(only available in German language)
or contact us by email.

Make a donation

Bank account

Account No: DE24 8306 5408 0004 2376 41
BIC: GENODEF1SLR (Deutsche Skatbank)

Our association has a recognized non-profit status and donations might be
 tax-deductable in your country (please check for yourself). If you need a
donation receipt please send as an email.

Change your habits

There is plenty you can do every day to reduce the threats for marine life.
We have put together 5 tips which are easy to follow:

  1. When swimming, use special UV-protective clothing (“rash guards”) instead of sunscreen.
  2. If you prefer sunscreen, make sure you buy coral-friendly cosmetics (“Reef Safe”).
  3. Reduce your seafood consumption.
  4. Reduce plastic waste. Plastics degrade only slowly in the environment and pollute waters with microplastics.
  5. Support sustainable, local tourism offerings. When you travel, buy your excursion from local people rather than from big travel companies.